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Luigi Lombardo is an Assistant Professor of Applied Soil Science at Faculty of Geo-Information Science (ITC), University of Twente. The main focus of his research is on advanced Bayesian models to be applied in the context of natural hazards. In particular, he works on space, time and space-time models on landslide occurrences and associated properties such as presence/absence, count per unit square and size (be it expressed as total area or volume).



Bianca is professor at the Department of Geography at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil. She teaches courses on Geomorphology (Graduation) and Mass Movement: concepts, conditioning factors and preview methods (Post-Graduation). Her main research interests are methods are currently used in the spatial and temporal prediction of shallow landslides in a basin scale, analysis of the role of the topography in the distribution of erosive forms and identification risk areas of landslides and floods in urban areas.



Graziella is Senior Geologist at NVE, where she is working with the organization and development of the national forecasting service, the analysis of historical landslide events for the establishment of landslide thresholds and also, as landslide forecaster, in the daily landslide hazard assessment. She is also part-time teacher in the Geohazards master program and supervisor of master students at the University of Oslo. She had a PhD in Environmental Geology and Geohazards, from the University of Oslo and the International Centre for Geohazards (ICG). She has also worked for many years in Nicaragua where she acquired a lot of expertise in landslide hazard assessment and risk management, but also in emergency planning and response after earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tropical cyclones, and she learned how multi-disciplinarity and national and international collaboration are essential in disaster risk reduction.



Clemens is Remote Sensing Specialist & Project Manager at GRID-IT Company in Innsbruck (Austria). He obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS at Salzburg University in 2013. In his Ph.D. research, he proposed a workflow for automated geomorphological mapping with object-based image analysis (OBIA) methods. His research interests include remote sensing based mapping/monitoring of natural hazards and the development/automation of the related information extraction workflows and tools. During his career, he has worked on several research projects on natural hazards related topics.



Helene's work is focused on applied research at the interface between geomorphology and geoinformatics. In her research, she combines knowledge of geomorphological processes, their properties and interaction with the environment (geology, climate and land use) with the knowledge of methods of their spatial analysis. Her goal is to give a concrete contribution to avoiding damage caused by natural hazards (for example, by providing hazard maps) and to improve process knowledge.



Giandomenico Fubelli

Associate Professor

at University of Turin - Member of the Executive Board of  AIGeo


Fabio Scarciglia

Associate Professor at University of Calabria


Gabriele Amato

Post-doc at IFAC-CNR


Mauro Bonasera

PhD Student at University of Turin - Coordinator of the Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Group


Simone Racano

PhD Student at RomaTre University

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